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Home/Blog / Are Dental Implants Right for Me?

dental implants resultsDental implant procedures can be performed for patients of virtually any age, provided they meet certain criteria. If you have a missing tooth or teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants. These procedures have become very popular alternatives to dentures and other forms of teeth replacement because the implants are not like oral appliances or temporary fixes – they are designed to mimic the form and function of a natural tooth as closely as possible, right down to the root. Custom-designed for the most precise fit and the most natural appearance, dental implants offer results that are often permanent and require no additional maintenance, other than regular brushing and flossing.

The first step in determining whether dental implants are right for your needs is to have a comprehensive oral evaluation. Our experienced cosmetic dentist, Dr. Michael Kosdon, can meet with you for a dental implant consultation and examine your oral structures. First, you will need to have adequate jawbone density in the area of the missing teeth in order to accommodate the implant. Second, your gums must be in reasonably good health. Third, you must be in generally good overall health – certain conditions or therapies (such as chemotherapy or radiation treatment) may interfere with proper healing after the implant has been placed and have an effect on the outcome.

Patients who may not be good candidates include heavy smokers, pregnant women, those who take certain medications, those who are affected by severe teeth grinding or clenching, and those whose jawbones have still not developed.

It’s important to remember that, even if you have one of the above conditions, you may still be a candidate for dental implants. The best way to determine your candidacy is to schedule a consultation for an oral evaluation. Dr. Kosdon will talk with you in detail about your goals. If you are not a candidate, he can recommend a number of alternatives that help you meet your needs. If you are a candidate and wish to go forward with the procedure, Dr. Kosdon can create a customized dental implant treatment plan designed to successfully replace your missing teeth.

Contact Us
To find out if dental implants are right for your needs, please contact us today. We can answer your questions about these effective procedures and assist you in scheduling a consultation with Dr. Kosdon .